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  • » Social capital and efficiency in resource utilization among cassava-based farmers in...
    Olagunju, K.; Ogunniyi, A.; Idrissou, L.
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  • » Prediccion de la distribucion potencial de Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller), mediante...
    Veneros, J.; Soplin, H.; Miyashiro, V.; Ibanez, N.; García, M.
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  • » Genetics and mapping of nutritional traits in Andigena potato.
    Mihovilovich, E.; Caraza, M.; Burgos, G.; Aponte, M.; Boluarte Medina, T.; Veilleux, R.E.; Bonierbale, Merideth W.
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  • » Development of ICT Innovation Expected to Help in Fight Against Banana Disease in Rwanda
    Twahirwa, A.
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  • » Protocol for in vitro culturing of lesion nematodes: Radopholus similis and...
    Coyne, Danny L.; Adewuyi, O.; Mbiru, E.
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  • » Engaging youth in Water, Land and Ecosystems
    CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems
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  • » Disaster risk mitigation with technology for water management
    CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems
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  • » Solutions towards safe waste water irrigation
    CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems
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  • » WLE Science Focal Points Meeting
    CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems
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  • » Constructing wetlands within reservoirs to improve fisheries
    CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems
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  • » Invasion and saturation risk of pathogens and pests based on global cropland...
    Hernández Nopsa, J.F.; Xing, Y.; Andrade-Piedra, J.L.; Beed, Fenton D.; Blomme, Guy; Carvajal-Yepes, Mónica; Coyne, Danny L.; Forbes, G.; Kreuze, Jan F.; Kroschel, Jürgen; Kumar, L.; Legg, James P.; Parker, M.; Schulte-Geldermann, Elmar; Garrett, K.A.
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  • » Introduction: contributions and gaps in gender and agroforestry
    Colfer, C.J.P.; Catacutan, D.; Naz, F.
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  • » Private vs. Community Management Responses to De-Collectivization: Illustrative Cases...
    Liu, J.; Dong, J.; Long, H.; Xu, T.; Putzel, L.
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  • » Indonesia’s science and technology capacity evolution dynamics from 1970 to 2018...
    Ragamustari, S.K.; Parwanto, N.B.; Nawir, A.A.; Sukara, E.
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  • » What drives policy change for REDD+? A qualitative comparative analysis of the...
    Korhonen-Kurki, Kaisa; Brockhaus, Maria; Sehring, J.; Di Gregorio, M.; Assembe-Mvondo, S.; Babon, A.; Bekele, M.; Benn, V.; Gebara, M.F.; Kambire, H.; Kengoum Djiegni, F.; Maharani, C.; Menton, M.; Moeliono, M.; Ochieng, R.; Paudel, N.S.; Pham Thu Thuy; Dkamela, G.P.; Sitoe, A.
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  • » Records of the discussion on the policy roundtable on transforming Odisha's agri-food...
    Government of Odisha; International Food Policy Research Institute
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  • » Introducing the Updated AgIncentives Database
    Laborde Debucquet, David; Lallemant, Tess; Majeed, Fahd; Mamun, Abdullah; Martin, Will; Tokgoz, Simla
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  • » Transformation of Kenya’s agrifood system structure and drivers
    Diao, Xinshen; Pauw, Karl; Smart, Jenny; Thurlow, James; Ellis, Mia
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  • » Multi-trait selection of bread wheat ideotypes for adaptation to early sown condition
    Farhad, Md.; Shashi Bhushan Tripathi; Singh, Ravi Prakash; Joshi, Arun Kumar; Bhati, Pradeep; Vishwakarma, Manish Kumar; Mondal, Suchismita; Malik, Anoop Anand; Kumar, Uttam
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  • » A healthy diet is costly, but even with limited income Kenyans can eat better
    Ecker, Olivier; Comstock, Andrew R.; Pauw, Karl
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  • » Sequenced crop evapotranspiration and water requirement in developing a multitrigger...
    Ndegwa, Michael K.; Shee, Apurba; Turvey, Calum; Liangzhi You
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  • » Miracle seeds: Biased expectations, complementary input use, and the dynamics of...
    Miehe, Caroline; Campenhout, Bjorn van; Nabwire, Leocardia; Sparrow, Robert; Spielman, David J.
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  • » Senegal’s agrifood system structure and drivers of transformation
    Pauw, Karl; Randriamamonjy, Josee; Thurlow, James; Diao, Xinshen; Ellis, Mia
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  • » Stakeholder workshop report: Women’s empowerment in agrifood systems governance...
    Kyle, Jordan; Ragasa, Catherine; Carrillo, Lucia
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  • » Measuring changes in the Niger’s agri-food system
    International Food Policy Research Institute; Xinshen Diao; Pauw, Karl; Randriamamonjy, Josée; Thurlow, James
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74526 - 74550 of 75210 Items    << < 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 > >>