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  • » Evaluation of cowpea (Vigna spp.) accessions at the Bishoftu field site for forage...
    Muktar, Meki S.; Teressa, Alemayehu; Habte, Ermias; Jones, Christopher S.
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  • » Avances en agricultura sustentable : resultados de plataformas de investigación de los...
    González Regalado, Jessica; Fonteyne, Simon; Verhulst, Nele
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  • » &mdash
    Thierfelder, Christian; Mhlanga, Blessing; Nyagumbo, Isaiah; Kalala, Kelvin; Simutowe, Esau; Chiduwa, Mazvita; MacLaren, Chloe; Silva, ‪João Vasco; Ngoma, Hambulo
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  • » Small-scale farming, gender relations and resource allocation: Barriers to adoption of...
    Wallin, Elsa
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  • » Self-selection versus population-based sampling for evaluation of an agronomy training...
    Hoffmann, Vivian; Doan, M.K.; Harigaya, T.
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  • » Price-quality relationships for the main livestock feed types in the Ethiopian feed market
    Melesse, Adey; Bezabih, Melkamu; Adie, Aberra; Asmare, Yonas; Prasad, Kodukula V.S.V.; Devulapalli, Ravi; Jones, Christopher S.; Blümmel, Michael; Hanson, Jean; Alemu, Tesfaye; Duncan, Alan J.
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  • » Analyzing iShamba data for improving livestock advisories
    Bhamra, Saranjeet Kaur
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  • » Establishing the WorldFish Nusatupe Research Station as an innovation hub for island...
    Bennet, Greg; Wate, Jillian Tutuo; Siota, Faye Aborina; Pua'ara, S; Aropa, Aloysius; Saeni-Oeta, Janet; Tua, Paul; Havimana, Lindon; Tikai, Pitakia; Eriksson, Hampus
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  • » Importance of socio-economic and institutional factors in the collection of dry forest...
    Sheko, M.; Kassa, G.; Abebaw, D.; Kassa, H.
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  • » Inclusion of dried small fish in the ICDS supplementary nutrition programme pilot study...
    Mohan, C.V.
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  • » Sex-disaggregated Data in Climate, Agriculture and Food Security: An assessment of...
    Partey, Samuel; North, Hanna; Huyer, Sophia
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  • » Automated in-season rice crop mapping using Sentinel time-series data and Google Earth...
    Tiwari, Varun; Tulbure, Mirela G.; Caineta, Júlio; Gaines, Mollie D.; Perin, Vinicius; Kamal, Mustafa; Krupnik, Timothy J.; Md Abdullah Aziz; AFM Tariqul Islam
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  • » Assessment of preference and demand for sweetpotato value-added products among...
    Okello, J.J.; Ojwang, S.O.; Lagerkvist, C.J.; Mwizerwa, H.; Nshimiyimana, J.C.; Low, Jan W.
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  • » Generating Revenues and Opportunities for Women to Improve Nutrition in Ghana (GROWING)...
    Herforth, N.; Mohammed, I.; Temesgen, B.; Low, Jan W.
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  • » Current state of agricultural mechanization in Honduras for the production of basic...
    Patiño-Espejel, Joshua Esaú; Van Loon, Jelle
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  • » El sistema de semillas de yuca integración entre producción, escalamiento y...
    Escobar Perez, Roosevelt H
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  • » Genome-wide association analysis provides insights into the genetic basis of...
    Elakhdar, Ammar; Slaski, Jan J.; Kubo, Takahiko; Hamwieh, Aladdin; Hernandez Ramirez, Guillermo; Beattie, Aaron D.; Capo-Chichi, Ludovic J.A.
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  • » Promoting the importance of aquatic foods on human nutrition and public health under...
    Ratha, Baishnaba; Sonowal, Nabamika; Beypi, Neeta; Sarma, Sanjay; Rajendran, Suresh; Mohan, Chadag V.; Shenoy, Neetha; Dubey, Sourabh; Panemangalore, Arun
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  • » Diversity of Salmonella enterica phages isolated from chicken farms in Kenya
    Gunathilake, K.M.D.; Makumi, Angela; Loignon, S.; Tremblay, D.; Labrie, S.; Svitek, Nicholas; Moineau, S.
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  • » Training report on chicken disease outbreak investigation, field postmortem...
    Alemayehu, Gezahegn; Girma, Mekonnen; Getachew, Fasil; Temesgen, Wudu; Yitayih, Mulugeta; Dessie, Tadelle; Knight-Jones, Theodore J.D.
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  • » Survey for legume and cereal viruses in Libya
    Abukraa, H.; Kumari, Safaa; Bshia, F.
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  • » Validación de la normativa nacional del SGP para la Región Lima
    Muñoz, M.; Ventocilla, D.; Fonseca, C.; Pradel, W.
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  • » AICCRA validation report: Piloting and validating the Climate Security Sensitivity...
    Sarzana, Carolina; Mahama, George; Jaquet, Stéphanie
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  • » Testing a New Fungicide as Alternative to the Banned Chemicals from Different Countries
    El Miziani, Inaam; Bouanba, Fatima Zahra; Kumari, Safaa
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  • » Climate Disasters, Gender, and Poverty (NPS Colombia Webinar Series)
    Escalante, Luis; Pineiro, Valeria; Castillo, Johana
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