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  • » Innovation Packaging and Scaling Readiness in the Mixed Farming Systems Initiative
    Gebreyes, Million; Sseguya, H.
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  • » Climate, peace, and security in fishery management: A participatory appraisal of...
    Medina Santa Cruz, Leonardo; Belli, Anna; Villa, Victor; Madurga Lopez, Ignacio; Kenduiywo, Benson; Pacillo, Grazia; Laderach, Peter; Hellin, John; Sieber, Stefan; Bonatti, Michelle
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  • » Report on the second Multi-Actor Platform meeting and site visit of EthiopiaGrass project
    Ayele Mulatu, Kalkidan; Notenbaert, An M.; Abera, Wuletawu; Jørgensen, Marit; Ebrahim, Mohammed
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  • » Realized genetic gain in Urochloa hybrids pipeline using ERA trial data
    Espitia, Paula; Camelo, Rodrigo; Hernández, Luis Miguel; Aparicio, Johan; Jauregui, Rosa
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  • » Island food systems in transition: Strengthening Indigenous food systems in Solomon...
    Eriksson, Hampus; Tikai, Pitakia; M, Pelomo; Gomese, Chelcia; Ride, Anouk; Hunnam, Kimberly; Bonis-Profumo, Gianna; Siota, Faye Aborina; Notere Boso, Delvene; Wate, Jillian Tutuo
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  • » Predictive breeding tools for intensive and sustainable production under climate change...
    Kleinermann, Charles
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  • » Value of biodiversity on Patagonian rangeland: Estimation via a Hedonic Price Index
    Duarte-Guardia, Sandra; Peri, Pablo L.; Martinez-Pastur, Guillermo; Lasagno, Romina; Lencinas, Maria Vanessa; Thomas, Evert; Ladd, Brenton
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  • » Presentations for Implications of El Niño 2023/24 for Africa South of the Sahara
    Anderson, Weston; Glauber, Joseph; Mamun, Abdullah; You, Liangzhi; Thurlow, James; Jamali, Andrew
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  • » A progress summary on soil health indicators: Consolidation, assessing and gap-filling...
    Omondi, J.O.; Boahen, S.
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  • » Work Package 3 update: Building the future One Health workforce
    Mutua, Florence K.
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  • » The Africa Asia Dairy Genetics Gains (AADGG) Platform
    Okeyo Mwai, Ally; Gebreyohanes, Gebregziabher; Ojango, Julie M.K.; Mrode, Raphael A.; Chinyere, Ekine; Jabes, Yusuf; Kipkosgei, Gideon; Mogaka, David; Abdulkadir, Hassen; Kelya, Neema; Agasi, Herbert; Meseret, Selam; Eliamoni, Lyatuu; Kemp, Stephen J.
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  • » Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA): Climate services for...
    Giraldo, Diana; Clarkson, Graham; Dorward, Peter
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  • » Advances in weed management for sustainable agriculture
    Kleinermann, Charles
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  • » الجدوى التقنية والإقتصادية للمكعبات الغذائية المصنعة لدى صغار المزارعين في البلاد التونسية
    Dhehibi, Boubaker; Oussama, Jebali; Frija, Aymen; Rudiger, Udo; Ouerghemmi, Hassen; Idoudi, Zied; Rekik, Mourad; Elayed, Monia; Zaiem, Anis; Ghedhoui, Slaheddine; Harrouchi, Faouzi; Moujahed, Nizar
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  • » Commercialization of Forage Seed Business in Mixed Farming Systems of the Highlands of...
    Gebreyes, Million; Mekonnen, Kindu; Bezabih, Melkamu; Seifu, Haimanot
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  • » It's not the cow it’s the how - First ever FAO Global Conference on Sustainable...
    CGIAR Initiative on Livestock and Climate
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  • » Operational dynamics and challenges using DSI across biodiversity frameworks
    Rouard, Mathieu
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  • » Unveiling Transforming Agrifood Systems in South Asia (TAFSSA): A visual journey into...
    Nur-A-Mahajabin Khan
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  • » A harmonized system for benefit-sharing from DSI
    DSI Scientific Netwok
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  • » Impact of soil surface temperature on changes in the groundwater level
    Khamidov, M.; Ishchanov, J.; Hamidov, A.; Shermatov, E.; Gafurov, Zafar
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  • » Field trial protocols: Enhancing fertilizer recommendations and cropping systems in the...
    Jizorkuwie, Abdul-Latif Baamonyor; Mponela, Powell; Akpatsu, Isaac Boatey; Masoud, Jalaludeen; Ofori, Patrick; Amankwaa-Yeboah, Patricia; Abera, Wuletawu
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  • » Identificación y utilización de la ventaja comparativa del CGIAR
    CGIAR Independent Science for Development Council
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  • » Introduction and Co-Evaluation of ILRI Gene Bank Forage Resources at Different Ecologies
    Mekonnen, Kindu; Gebreyes, Million; Tulu, Solomon; Alemayehu, Lulseged; Tessema, Fikadu; Alene, Temesgen; Seifu, Haimanot; Whitbread, Anthony
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  • » El Niño’s effects on southern African agriculture in 2023/24 and anticipatory action...
    Mugiyo, H.; Magadzire, T.; Choruma, D. J.; Chimonyo, V. G. P.; Manzou, R.; Jiri, O.; Mabhaudhi, Tafadzwanashe
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  • » The Central American Integration System (SICA) region launches Rural Youth Strategy...
    Castellanos, Andrea
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