
CIMMYT Institutional Multimedia Publications Repository

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  • » Detection of Bacillus thuringiensis genes in transgenic maize by the PCR method and FTA paper technology
  • » Análisis genético de la tolerancia a Cercospora spp. en líneas endogamicas de maíz tropical
  • » Resistance of four inbred maize lines to inoculation with 20 isolates of maize streak virus from Zimbabwe
  • » Híbridos trilineales de maíz comunes y de alta calidad de proteína para Veracruz, México
  • » Identification of superior quality protein maize hybrids for different mega-environments using the biplot methodology
  • » Farmer perceptions on maize cultivars in the marginal eastern belt of Zimbabwe and their implications for breeding
  • » Combining ability and genetic parameters in maize for forage at Comarca Lagunera, Mexico
  • » A comparison of results obtained with two methods for assessing yield stability
  • » Nitrogen uptake and utilization in contrasting nitrogen efficient tropical maize hybrids
  • » The yield stability of maize genotypes across international environments: Full season tropical maize
  • » Herencia del vigor de plántula y su relación con caracteres de planta adulta en líneas endogámicas de maíz tropical
  • » Breeding and disseminating quality protein maize (QPM) for Africa
  • » Soluble peroxidase activity in maize endosperm associated with maize weevil resistance
  • » Quantitative trait loci for yield and correlated traits under high and low soil nitrogen conditions in tropical maize
  • » Comportamiento de híbridos de maíz con alta calidad de proteína, por su buen rendimiento y tolerancia al "achaparamiento"
  • » Evaluating the use of herbicide-coated imidazolinone-resistant (IR) maize seeds to control Striga in farmers' fields in Kenya
  • » Efecto del tamaño del gránulo de almidón de maíz en sus propiedades térmicas y de pastificado
  • » Factors influencing adoption of stress-tolerant maize hybrid (WH 502) in western Kenya
  • » Specialty maize: global horticultural crop
  • » Regeneración de maíces blancos subtropicales vía embriogénesis somática
  • » Gene action determining Phaeosphaeria leaf spot disease resistance in experimental maize hybrids
  • » Construction of a SSR linkage map and mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for leaf angle and leaf orientation with an elite maize hybrid
  • » Evaluation of early to medium maturing open pollinated maize varieties in SADC region using GGE biplot based on the SREG model
  • » Physical properties and carotenoid content of maize kernels and its nixtamalized snacks
  • » Efectos genéticos de la formación de calosa en ápices radicales de lineas de maíz resistentes y susceptibles a suelos ácidos
2526 - 2550 of 8648 Items    << < 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 > >>