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  • » Mound architecture and season affect concentrations of CO2, CH4 and N2O in nests of...
    Vesala, Risto; Räsänen, Matti; Leitner, Sonja; Mulat, Daniel Girma; Mwangala, Lucas; Rikkinen, Jouko; Arppe, Laura
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  • » Guidelines for measuring gender transformative change in the context of food security,...
    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; International Fund for Agricultural Development; World Food Programme; CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform
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  • » Guide sur les Techniques de Reproduction et de Multiplication du Caroubier en Tunisie
    El Khorchani, Ali; Elhaj, Ammar; MEZNI, Faten; Slama, Awatef; Ayari, Faten; Bessouda, Balkiss; Kortas, Ghada; Belkhir, Amira; Jean, Edouard; Khaldi, Abdelhamid
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  • » Analysis of the implications of Africa's food systems development on environmental...
    Adolph, Barbara; Griffiths, Geoffrey; Hou-Jones, Xiaoting
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  • » La enfermedad cuero de sapo
    Caicedo, Sara Maria; Jimenez, Jenyfer; Pardo, Juan Manuel; Cuellar, Wilmer
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  • » Elevating the interlinkages between water, energy, food, and climate at global level
    McCartney, Matthew P.; Ringler, Claudia
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  • » Economic evaluation of a silvo-pastoral system with Leucaena diversifolia for Colombian...
    Enciso, Karen; Sotelo, Mauricio; Peters, Michael; Florez, Jesús F.; Burkart, Stefan
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  • » Can REDD+ finance compete with established and emerging land investments? The case of...
    Pietarinen, N.; Koh, N.S.; Ville, A.; Brockhaus, M.; Wong, G.
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  • » Lifting quality constraints to agricultural technology adoption in the Ugandan market...
    Miehe, Caroline; Van Campenhout, Bjorn; Sparrow, Robert; Spielman, David J.
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  • » Action needed to make carbon offsets from forest conservation work for climate change...
    West, T.A.P.; Wunder, S.; Sills, E.O.; Börner, J.; Rifai, S.W.; Neidermeier, A.N.; Kontoleon, A.
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  • » Navigating the Food Policy Landscape (Cha Kula Podcast - Episode 5)
    Resnick, Danielle; Mockshell, Jonathan
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  • » Effect of angle, distance and rotation of proximal sensing tools upon canopy based...
    Camelo, Rodrigo; Cardoso, Juan Andrés
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  • » Drivers and consequences of tenure insecurity and mechanisms for enhancing tenure...
    McLain, R.
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  • » Impact of industrial logging concession on deforestation and forest degradation in the DRC
    Chervier, C.; Ximenes, A.; Mihigo, B.; Doumenge, C.
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  • » Seed certification and maize, rice and cowpea productivity in Nigeria: An insight based...
    Takeshima, Hiroyuki
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  • » Maize technology toolkit catalogue: Clearinghouse technical report series 008
    Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation
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  • » Indigenous Peoples’ lands are threatened by industrial development; conversion risk...
    Kennedy, C.M.; Fariss, B.; Oakleaf, J.R.; Garnett, S.T.; Fernández-Llamazares, Á.; Fa, J.E.; Baruch-Mordo, S.; Kiesecker, J.
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  • » Empowering Women: Inclusion in India's Government Planning
    International Food Policy Research Institute; Traveling Tripod
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  • » Plant diversity and composition vary with elevation on two equatorial high mountains in...
    Ssali, F.; Mugerwa, B.; van Heist, M.; Sheil, D.; Kirunda, B.; Musicante, M.; Seimon, A.; Halloy, S.
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  • » Universities are committed to supporting CBBP to synergize learning, research, and...
    Belay, Berhanu; Getachew, Tesfaye; Haile, Aynalem
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  • » To what extent is REDD + integrated into land-use sectors driving deforestation?...
    Gakou-Kakeu, J.; Di Gregorio, M.; Paavola, J.; Sonwa, D.J.
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  • » Exchange relations in rice contract farming schemes in Tanzania
    Dyer Jarnholt, E.; Maganga, F.; Schoneveld, G.
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  • » Pesticide Use among Potato Smallholders in Honduras
    Sanders, A.; Vasquez, E.; Perez, W.
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  • » Impacts of Climate Change on Food Security and Child Malnutrition
    Andam, Kwaw
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  • » Even after armed conflict, the environmental quality of Indigenous Peoples' lands in...
    Beattie, M.; Fa, J.E.; Leiper, I.; Fernández-Llamazares, Á.; Zander, K.K.; Garnett, S.T.
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