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  • » Technical note: Hydrology of the Lukanga Swamp, Zambia
    McCartney, Matthew P.
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  • » A novel coronavirus and a broad range of viruses in Kenyan cave bats
    Kamau, J.; Ergunay, K.; Webala, P.W.; Justi, S.A.; Bourke, B.P.; Kamau, M.W.; Hassell, James M.; Chege, M.N.; Mwaura, D.K.; Simiyu, C.; Kibiwot, S.; Onyuok, S.; Caicedo-Quiroga, L.; Li, T.; Zimmerman, D.M.; Linton, Y.M.
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  • » Report: Cooperative Leadership Event (CLE)
    Francesconi, Gian N.
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  • » Finance for integrated landscape management. De-risking smallholder farmer investments...
    Byakagaba P.; Nantongo, P.K.; Kalibwani, F.
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  • » Climate change impact on crop productivity in the semi-arid tropics of Zimbabwe in the...
    Dimes, John P.; Cooper, Peter J.M.; Rao, K.P.C.
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  • » Developing forest-based enterprises in Meghalaya
    Albano, A.; Tiwari, B.K.; Lynser, T.; Kumar, C.
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  • » Linear and goal programming models for analysis of policy impacts on livelihoods in...
    Nhantumbo, I.; Mlay, G.; Kowero, G.S.
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  • » Reflection on innovation processes in a smallholder goat development project in Mozambique
    Boogaard, Birgit K.; Swaans, Kees; Hendrickx, Saskia C.J.; Cosijn, M.
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  • » Policy learning in REDD+ Donor Countries: Norway, Germany and the UK
    Schroeder, H.; Gregorio, M. de; Brockhaus, Maria; Thuy Thu Pham
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  • » Production of organic potatoes in the Andean Region of Peru: The enabling role of...
    Kroschel, Jürgen; Alcázar, Jesus; Cañedo, V.; Miethbauer, T.; Zegarra, O.; Córdoba, L.; Gamarra, C.
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  • » Burning in hillsides farming: Experiments with a stakeholder approach for conflict...
    Ravnborg, Helle Munk; Ashby, J.A.; Guerrero, María del Pilar; Rubiano Mejía, Jorge Eliécer
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  • » Orange-fleshed sweetpotatoes for food, health and wealth in Uganda.
    Mwanga, R.O.M.; Ssemakula, G.N.
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  • » Improved livestock system modelling and data capturing tools developed with partners...
    Alary, V.; Dutilly, C.
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  • » Baseline water quality survey for Rajshahi, Bangladesh
    Dissanayake, Priyanka; Amin, M.M.; Amerasinghe, Priyanie H.; Clemett, Alexandra
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  • » Micro level realities and policy coherence for enhancing climate change resilience in Asia
    Singh, Naveen P.; Byjesh, K.; Bantilan, MCS
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  • » Diversidad genetica de papas nativas en la region suroeste del departamento de Junin,...
    Roca, L.A.; Nunez, J.; Rodríguez, F.; Haan, Stef de
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  • » Cassava: mentor on a mission why cassava and capacity building are closely coupled
    Parkes, E.
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  • » La colección de forrajeras tropicales del CIAT. 2. Catálogo de germoplasma de Venezuela...
    Schultze-Kraft, Rainer
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  • » Managing soil fertility to adapt to rainfall variability in smallholder cropping...
    Rurinda, J.P.; Mapfumo, Paul; Wijk, Mark T. van; Mtambanengwe, F.; Rufino, Mariana C.; Chikowo, Regis; Giller, Ken E.
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  • » Macroeconomic policies and industrial wood processing and trade in Zimbabwe
    Kowero, G.S.; Mabugu, R.
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  • » Community seed banks to conserve local crop diversity and ensure resilience against...
    Nivedhitha, S.; Gupta, A.; Sharma, N.; Mathur, P.N.
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  • » Standard Operating Procedure: Field Sample Collection and Transportation from Suspected...
    International Livestock Research Institute; Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries, Uganda
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  • » Correlation between rainfall and malaria in the dry zone of Sri Lanka
    Hoek, Wim van der; Konradsen, Flemming; Perera, D.; Amerasinghe, Priyanie H.; Amerasinghe, Felix P.
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  • » La participación del agricultor en la evaluación y transferencia de germoplasma
    Woolley, Jonathan N.
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  • » Seropositivity rates of zoonotic pathogens in small ruminants and associated public...
    Lysholm, S.; Fischer, K.; Lindahl, Johanna F.; Munyeme, M.; Wensman, J.J.
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