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  • » Enhancing adaptiveness and collaboration in community forestry in Nepal: reflections...
    McDougall, C.; Ojha, H.; Pandey, R.K.; Banjade, M.R.; Pandit, B.H.
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  • » Amapá, Brazil: Low-emission rural development (LED-R) at a glance
    Crisostomo, A.C.; David, O.; Ríos, M. de los; Stickler, C.; Duchelle, A.E.; Cromberg, M.
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  • » Introduction to bioinformatics and population genomics applied to livestock
    Rudloff, E.B.; Johansson, A.M.; Damme, R. van; Utsunomiya, Y.
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  • » Desentralisasi pengelolaan hutan di Bolivia: siapa yang memperoleh manfaat dan mengapa
    Pacheco, P.
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  • » Assessing the economic viability of commercial moringa production for Kenyan...
    Waterman, C.; Peterson, A.; Schelle, C.; Vosti, S.A.; McMullin, S.
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  • » The use of health impact assessments in water resources development: A case study from...
    Konradsen, Flemming; Chimbari, M.; Furu, P.; Birley, M.H.; Christensen, N.O.
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  • » Nitrogen management in adequate input maizebased agriculture in the derived savanna...
    Vanlauwe, Bernard; Aihou, K.; Houngnandan, P.; Diels, J.; Sanginga, N.; Merckx, R.
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  • » Characterization and atlas of the Blue Nile Basin and its sub basins
    Yilma, Aster Denekew; Awulachew, Seleshi Bekele
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  • » Gendered knowledge on food trees for addressing food security and nutrition in Uganda...
    Gachuiri, A.; Paez Valencia, Ana Maria; Elias, Marlène; Carsan, S.; McMullin, S.
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  • » Building partnerships and encouraging innovation for sustainable maize production: the...
    Badu-Apraku, B.; Menkir, A.; Fakorede, M.A.B.; Ajala, S.O.; Ellis-Jones, J.
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  • » Challenges and opportunities for improvement in cassava and sweetpotato seed systems in...
    Moyo, C.; Mahungu, N.M.; Mkumbira, J.; Benesi, I.R.M.
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  • » Variation in tuber dry matter content and starch pasting properties of white Guinea yam...
    Matsumoto, R.; Asfaw, A.; De Koeyer, D.; Muranaka, S.; Yoshihashi, T.; Ishikawa, H.; Adebola, P.O.; Asiedu, R.
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  • » Regenerative grazing For climate, ecosystem, and human health
    Costa Junior, Ciniro; Escudero, Arthur; Flintan, Fiona E.; Garrity, Dennis; Gill, Bobby; Haddad, Fidaa; Howell, Daniela; Itzkan, Seth; Louhaichi, Mounir; Magero, Chris; Milne, Eleanor; Neely, Constance; Niamir-Fuller, Maryam; Schwartz, Judith; Sharpe, Nick; Shenton, Rolf; Thidemann, Karl; Worms, Patrick
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  • » Africa Agriculture Transformation Scorecard: performance and lessons. Namibia
    Uushona, P.; Greffiths, Jacob; Matchaya, Greenwell; Nhlengethwa, Sibusiso; Fakudze, Bhekiwe; Sanda, S.
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  • » Genetic diversity and population structure of early and extra-early maturing maize...
    Badu-Apraku, B.; Garcia-Oliveira, A.L.; Petroli, C.D.; Hearne, S.; Adewale, S.A.; Gedil, M.
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  • » The role of CGIAR Germplasm Health Units in averting endemic crop diseases: the example...
    Enriquez, Y.; Smale, M.; Jamora, N.; Hossain, M.; Kumar, P.L.
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  • » Conjunctive use of canal and groundwater in Punjab, Pakistan: management and policy...
    Murray-Rust, Hammond; Vander Velde, E.J.
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  • » Propuesta detallada hoja de ruta con acciones clave para fortalecer los servicios de...
    CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security; Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT
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  • » Carcass characteristics of the marketed Matabele goat from south-western Zimbabwe
    Simela, L.; Ndlovu, L.R.; Sibanda, Lindiwe Majele
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  • » Droits fonciers coutumiers et autonomie regionale a Kalimantan a Kalimantan-Est...
    Levang, P.; Buyse, N.
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  • » Consumers’ Willingness to Purchase Imported Cherries towards Sustainable Market:...
    Shin, S.; Ji, S.
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  • » Development of late blight resistant potato biotech varieties for Sub-Saharan Africa.
    Ghislain, M.; Rivera, C.; Roman, M.; Orbegozo, J.; Tovar, J.; Magembe, J.; Gamboa, S.; Forbes, G.; Kreuze, Jan F.
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  • » የእርባታ እንስሳት ስነ-ባህርይ | ለዝቅተኛ የግብዓት ሥርዓት ተስማሚ የሆነ ማህበረሰብ-አቀፍ የበግና የፍዬል ዝርያ ማሻሻያ መርሐ ግብር
    Haile, Aynalem; Getachew, Tesfaye; Rekik, Mourad; Mwacharo, Joram M.; Rischkowsky, Barbara A.
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  • » Agrobiodiversity 4-Cell Method: a rapid system diagnosis tool
    Raneri, Jessica E.; Turmel, M.; Zonneveld, M. van; Dzomeku, B.M.; Termote, Céline; Bellon, M.R.; Chandrabalan, D.; Zheng, S.; Ocimati, W.; Attwood, S.; Staver, Charles
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  • » Development of cassava germplasm resources for the improvement of high value root...
    Okogbenin, Emmanuel; Egesi, Chiedozie N.; Mbanaso, E.N.A.; Ogbe, F.O.; Santos Meléndez, Luís Guillermo; Gutiérrez A., Janeth Patricia; Marín, J.A.; Mba, C.; Ukpabi, U.J.; Fregene, Martin A.
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