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  • » Research approaches for improved pro-poor control of zoonoses
    Schelling, E.; Grace, Delia; Willingham, A.L.; Randolph, Thomas F.
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  • » Role of livestock in human nutrition and health for poverty reduction in developing...
    Randolph, Thomas F.; Schelling, E.; Grace, Delia; Nicholson, C.; Leroy, J.L.; Cole, D.C.; Demment, M.W.; Omore, Amos O.; Zinsstag, Jakob; Ruel, M.
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  • » Challenging orthodoxies: Understanding poverty in pastoral areas of East Africa
    Little, P.D.; McPeak, J.G.; Barrett, Christopher B.; Kristjanson, Patricia M.
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  • » Dairy marketing chains analysis: the case of Shashemane, Hawassa and Dale District’s...
    Somano, W.
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  • » Assessing the factors underlying differences in achievements of farmer groups:...
    Place, Frank; Kariuki, G.; Wangila, J.; Makauki, A.; Ndubi, J.; Kristjanson, Patricia M.
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  • » Mapping a livestock-oriented agricultural production system classification for the...
    Kruska, R.L.; Reid, Robin S.; Thornton, Philip K.; Henninger, N.; Kristjanson, Patricia M.
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  • » Enhancing the role of livestock in poverty reduction strategies: analytical approaches...
    Freeman, H.A.; Minjauw, B.
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  • » Valuing indigenous cattle breeds in Kenya: An empirical comparison of stated and...
    Scarpa, R.; Ruto, E.S.K.; Kristjanson, Patricia M.; Radeny, Maren A.O.; Drucker, Adam G.; Rege, J.E.O.
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  • » Determinants of adoption of improved box hive in Atsbi Wemberta District of Eastern...
    Abebe, W.
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  • » Smallholder poultry model for poverty alleviation in Bangladesh: A review of evidence...
    Islam, S.M.F.; Jabbar, M.A.
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  • » Farmers' perceptions of benefits and factors affecting the adoption of improved...
    Kristjanson, Patricia M.; Okike, I.; Tarawali, Shirley A.; Singh, B.B.; Manyong, Victor M.
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  • » Escaping poverty and becoming poor in twenty Kenyan villages.
    Krishna, A.; Kristjanson, Patricia M.; Radeny, Maren A.O.; Nindo, W.
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  • » Participatory varietal evaluation and farmer based seed production: a sustainable...
    Teweldebrhan, T.G.
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  • » Assessment of livestock feed resources utilization in Alaba Woreda, Southern Ethiopia
    Admassu, Y.M.
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  • » Social networks and gender dimensions in use of irrigation by farmers in Alamata...
    Hailemariam, M.
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  • » Adoption of small ruminants’ fattening package in agropastoral areas, Mieso Wereda,...
    Tamrat, Z.
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  • » Partnerships for enhancing market-led innovation processes-experiences and lessons from...
    Puskur, Ranjitha; Anandajayasekeram, P.; Berhe, Kahsay; Hoekstra, Dirk
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  • » Does the future hold for transhumance cattle production system in North Western Ethiopia?
    Tegegne, Azage; Mengistie, T.; Desalew, T.; Dejen, Eshete
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  • » Cow and camel milk production and marketing in agro-pastoral and mixed crop-livestock...
    Hussen, K.; Tegegne, Azage; Yousuf, M.; Gebremedhin, Berhanu
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  • » Challenges and opportunities for market-oriented apiculture development: the case of...
    Girma, M.; Tegegne, Azage; Ballo, S.; Alemayehu, N.
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  • » Innovation in banana value chain development in Metema district, northwestern Ethiopia:...
    Berhe, Kahsay; Puskur, Ranjitha; Teka, W.; Hoekstra, Dirk; Tegegne, Azage
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  • » Matching genotype with the environment using indigenous cattle breed: introduction of...
    Tegegne, Azage; Dejen, Eshete; Hoekstra, Dirk; Teka, W.
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  • » Changes in response to integrated interventions in the value chain of vegetables in...
    Woldewahid, G.; Gebremedhin, Berhanu; Berhe, Kahsay; Hoekstra, Dirk
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  • » Livestock in a changing landscape. Volume 2. Experiences and regional perspectives
    Gerber, Pierre J.; Mooney, H.; Dijkman, J.; Tarawali, Shirley A.; Haan, C. de
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  • » Fluid milk and butter production and marketing systems in Fogera District, Amhara...
    Anteneh, B.; Tegegne, Azage; Beyene, F.; Gebremedhin, Berhanu
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