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  • » Exploring the potential of genebank collections to address food system challenges
    McCouch, Susan; Hearne, Sarah; Wenzl, Peter
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  • » Climate Security on Twitter
    Tucci, Giulia; Silveira Carneiro, Bia
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  • » CIFOR-ICRAF Annual Report 2022. Interconnected: Trees, people, planet
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  • » Reference genomes of two promising Phaseolus vulgaris common bean varieties for...
    Mukankusi, Clare; Lobaton Garces, Juan David
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  • » Orange fleshed sweet potato; technology toolkit catalog: Clearinghouse technical report...
    Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation
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  • » Xanthomonas wilt of banana: Training manual
    Blomme, Guy; Kearsley, Elizabeth; Ocimati, Walter; Kitumaini, Nancy Safari
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  • » Leveraging the Power of Small-Scale Data Collection Efforts
    Gorman, Léo; Mills, Dave; Woods, Christopher; Wijk, Mark; Hammond, Jim; Dowsey, Andrew
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  • » Global Diet Change Implications for Agriculture and Nutrition
    International Food Policy Research Institute
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  • » GCCA+ Climate Smart Agriculture and Advisory Services Tools Training of Trainers and...
    Magagula, Futhi
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  • » Africa agriculture transformation scorecard: performance and lessons. Zimbabwe.
    Mupandawana, M.; Greffiths, Jacob Ikhothatseng; Matchaya, Greenwell; Fakudze, Bhekiwe; Nicholas, G. N.; Mayoyo, A.
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  • » Introducing the non-rancidity trait into pearl millet seed : scenarios for achieving...
    Muindi, Pauline; Khaemba, Colleta; Rutsaert, Pieter; Donovan, Jason A.; Bandyopadhyay, Anindya; Hearne, Sarah
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  • » Spatial market segmentation for rice: An approach to support the development of...
    Paguirigan, Neale Marvin; Laborte, Alice G.; Maunahan, Aileen; Lenaerts, Bert; Dixit, Shalabh
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  • » Bridging the Gap: CGIAR Initiative on Market Intelligence and Global Market...
    Paguirigan, Neale Marvin; Lenaerts, Bert; De Leon, Dehner; Ynion, Jhoanne; Bayot, Ruvicyn; Demont, Matty
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  • » Maziwa Zaidi / More Milk in Tanzania (Phase 2) - Household (Rhomis) Baseline Survey
    Omore, Amos; Rao, James; Ojango, Julie; Omondi, Immaculate; Mwendia, Solomon Waweru; Ngoteya, Godfrey; Jeremiah, Adolf; Urassa, Neema; Magesho, Walter; Gitau, Jennifer; Kariuki, Eunice; Teufel, Nils; Poole, Elizabeth
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  • » Climate Governance and Decentralization in Indonesia
    Di Gregorio, M.; Moeliono, M.
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  • » Que se passe-t-il après l’arrêt des paiements de conservation? Principales conclusions...
    Carrilho, C.D.; Wunder, S.
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  • » Effects of household composition on infant feeding and mother–infant health in northern...
    Vankayalapati, A.; Wamwere-Njoroge, George J.; Fujita, M.
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  • » Soil nitrous oxide and methane fluxes from a land-use change transition of primary...
    Swails, E.; Drewer, J.; Hartill, J.; Comeau, L.; Verchot, L.V.; Hergoualc’h, K.
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  • » Safe pork from traditional markets for Vietnam and Cambodia through light-touch...
    Unger, Fred; Hung Nguyen-Viet; Sinh Dang-Xuan; Chea, R.; Tum, S.; Ngo Hoang Tuan Hai; Phuc Pham-Duc; Grace, Delia
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  • » Evaluation of genetic variability in four Nigerian locally-adapted chicken populations...
    Oladejo, O.A.; Oseni, S.O.; Kyallo, Martina; Domelevo Entfellner, Jean-Baka; Tor, N.E.; Tiambo, Christian K.; Pelle, Roger
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  • » Gender Transformative Approaches to Strengthen Women’s Land and Resource Rights
    Morgan, M.; Larson, A.M.; Trautman, S.; Garner, E.; Elias, M.; Meinzen-Dick, R.
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  • » Coastal area rehabilitation for climate change adaptation: The key role of mangroves in...
    Jompa, J.; Murdiyarso, D.
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  • » Inventory of approaches and practices comprising climate-smart agriculture technologies...
    Mitti, Joyce; Ngwira, Amos; Magagula, Futhi; Recha, John WM
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  • » Uneven ground? Intersectional gender inequalities in the commercialized cassava seed...
    Liani, M.L.; Cole, S.M.; Mwakanyamale. D.F.; Baumung, L.; Saleh, N.; Webber, A.; Tufan H.A.; Kapinga, R.
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  • » Research Collaboration Agreement Between International Center for Agricultural Research...
    International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas; South Agricultural Research Institute
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