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  • » La transferencia del manejo de los sistemas de riego en Colombia. In SpanishIrrigation...
    Garcés-Restrepo, C.
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  • » Genome of the host-cell transforming parasite Theileria annulata compared with T. parva
    Pain, A.; Renauld, H.; Berriman, M.; Murphy, L.; Yeats, C.A.; Weir, W.; Kerhornou, A.; Aslett, M.; Bishop, Richard P.; Bouchier, C.; Cochet, M.; Coulson, R.M.R.; Cronin, A.; Villiers, Etienne P. de; Fraser, A.; Fosker, N.; Gardner, M.; Goble, A.; Griffiths-Jones, S.; Harris, D.E.; Katzer, F.; Larke, N.; Lord, A.; Maser, P.; McKellar, S.; Mooney, P.; Morton, F.; Nene, Vishvanath; O'Neil, S.; Price, C.; Quail, M.A.; Rabbinowitsch, E.; Rawlings, N.D.; Rutter, S.; Saunders, D.; Seeger, K.; Shah, Tushaar; Squares, R.; Squares, S.; Tivey, A.; Walker, A.R.; Woodward, J.; Dobbelaere, D.A.E.; Langsley, G.; Rajandream, M.A.; McKeever, Declan J.; Shiels, B.; Tait, A.; Barrell, B.; Hall, N.
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  • » Evaluation of WRF model rainfall forecast using citizen science in a data-scarce urban...
    Tedla, H. Z.; Taye, E. F.; Walker, D. W.; Haile, Alemseged Tamiru
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  • » The 2004 follow-up survey report to the 2003 baseline survey of three pilot WUAs in the...
    Yakubov, Murat
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  • » Phased, chromosome-scale genome assemblies of tetraploid potato reveals a complex...
    Hoopes, G.; Meng, X.; Hamilton, J.P.; Achakkagari, S.R.; de Alves Freitas Guesdes, F.; Bolger, M.E.; Coombs, J.J.; Esselink, D.; Kaiser, N.R.; Kodde, L.; Kyriakidou, M.; Lavrijssen, B.; van Lieshout, N.; Shereda, R.; Tuttle, H.K.; Vaillancourt, B.; Wood, J.C.; de Boer, J.M.; Bornowski, N.; Bourke, P.; Douches, D.; van Eck, H.J.; Ellis, David; Feldman, M.J.; Gardner, K.M.; Hopman, J.C.P.; Jiang, J.; De Jong, W.S.; Kuhl, J.C.; Novy, R.G.; Oome, S.; Sathuvalli, V.; Tan, E.H.; Ursum, R.A.; Vales, M.I.; Vining, K.; Visser, R.G.F.; Vossen, J.; Yencho, G.C.; Anglin, N.L; Bachem, C.W.B.; Endelman, J.B.; Shannon, L.M.; Stromvik, M.V.; Tai, H.H.; Usadel, B.; Buell, C.R.; Finkers, R.
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  • » Panduan investigasi dan penuntutan dengan pendekatan hukum terpadu
    Santoso, T.; Chandra, R.; Sinaga, A.C.; Muhajir, M.; Mardiah, S.
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  • » Water and culture
    International Water Management Institute
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  • » Institutionalisation and sustainability of innovation platforms
    Tukahirwa, J.M.B.; Nyamwaro, Sospeter S.; Kalibwani, R; Buruchara, Robin A.; Tenywa, M.M.; Karume, K; Mugabe, JM; Kamugisha, R.; Wanjiku, C.; Fatunbi, A.O.; Adekunle, A.A.
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  • » Can crop diversity strengthen small-scale farmers' resilience?
    Kozicka, M.; Groot, Jeroen C.J.; Gotor, Elisabetta
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  • » The Congo Basin forests in a changing climate: policy discourses on adaptation and...
    Somorin, O.A.; Brown, H.C.P.; Visseren-Hamakers, I.J.; Sonwa, D.J.; Arts, Bas; Nkem, J.
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  • » Genetic base of brazilian cultivars
    Voysest Voysest, Oswaldo; Thung, Michael D.; Valencia C., María Clara
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  • » Large dams and integrated water resources management, with reference to the Kafue...
    McCartney, Matthew P.
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  • » Elephants or onions? Paying for nature in Amboseli, Kenya
    Bulte, E.; Boone, R.; Stringer, R.; Thornton, Philip K.
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  • » Alternate hosts of African cassava mosaic virus and East African cassava mosaic...
    Alabi, O.J.; Ogbe, F.O.; Bandyopadhyay, Ranajit; Kumar, P. Lava; Dixon, Alfred G.O.; Hughes, Jacqueline d'Arros; Naidu, R.A.
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  • » Efecto de tres especies de endomicorrizas del género Glomus y Gigaspora y combinaciones...
    Cadena, Silvia; Mejía Jiménez, Alvaro
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  • » Emergency Response, Recovery, and Resilience with Nutritious Potato and Sweetpotato in...
    Gebeyehu, S.
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  • » On farm conservation of neglected and underutilized species: status, trends and novel...
    Padulosi, S.; Bergamini, N.; Lawrence T
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  • » Rural appraisal and sustainable development
    Wijayaratna, C.M.
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  • » El sector papa en la region andina: Diagnostico y elementos para una vision estrategica...
    Devaux, A.; Ordinola, M.; Hibon, A.; Flores, R.
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  • » Recent developments in acacia planting: proceedings of an international workshop held...
    Turnbull, J.W.; Crompton, H.R.; Pinyopusarerk, K.
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  • » Nutritional and microbial quality of extruded fish feeds containing black soldier fly...
    Were, G.J.; Irungu, F.G.; Ngoda, P.N.; Affognon, H.; Ekesi, S.; Nakimbugwe, D.; Fiaboe, K.; Mutungi, C.
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  • » A cautionary note for forest landscape restoration in drylands: cattle production...
    Randrianasolo, R.; Ranjatson, P.; McLain, R.; Nomenjanahary, A.R.F.; Manasoa, C.G.O.
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  • » Program kemitraan hutan tanaman (outgrower scheme) dalam pembangunan HTI
    Nawir, A.A.
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  • » ‘From soil to chocolate bar’: identifying critical steps in the journey of cadmium in a...
    Bravo, Daniel; Santander, Margareth; Rodriguez, Jader; Escobar, Sebastian; Ramtahal, Gideon; Atkinson , Rachele
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  • » Les zébus, le riz et la forêt: Les kijana collectifs d’Andrevorevo
    Ranjatson, P.; McLain, R.; Nomenjanahary, A.R.F.
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